HE Dyes
ME Dyes
H Dyes
M Dyes
VS Dyes
Salt free Dyes
"M" Dyes:
They are based on Dichlorotriazine reactive system.These dyes are highly reactive and can be used to cellulosic material at about 30-40 C.

"H" Dyes:

They are used for printing.

"VS" Dyes:

They are used for exhaust and CPB.

"HE" Dyes:
They are Bi-functional dyes and are specially developed for exhaust dying.

"ME" Dyes:

They are Bi-functional dyes based on Vinyl sulphone reactive system and are highly recommended for exhaust dying.

"HD" Dyes:
Multi-functional dyes for higher depth.

RGB Dyes:

Generally used for exhaust as well as CPB.

Salt Free Dyes:

They are salt free dyes manufactured from "P" and "HE" dyes with nano filtration and are used in digital ink manufacturing. This is our main specialty.